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My Sins As A Linux Advocate & Other News…

Being part of a community of enlightened fellows running GNU/Linux as their main desktop operating system is a huge responsibility: Would you not agree? Such a knowledgeable person should always follow a strict set of principles: ban Microsoft from her life, spit on Apple in her idle time, install Arch without a GUI, and absolutely discourage others from using any kind of social networks. Thus is the life of a committed free-software advocate… Is it really, though ?If you read until the end, I promise you a nice twist of events… Continue reading My Sins As A Linux Advocate & Other News…

Private Tutoring: Find Me On Italki & Superprof!

My filming skills have significantly improved. I am very proud of the last two videos I shot, respectfully for my Italki and then WellSpeak application. Since they are unlisted on YouTube, I thought that I could add them down below for all of you who would be interested in seeing how much I have progressed in a few months. Please, do not hesitate to give me constructive feedback via email or in the comments. Continue reading Private Tutoring: Find Me On Italki & Superprof!

What Am I Up To?

Some of you may be wondering what is currently happening behind the scenes. If you belong with such people, then this article is for you and you should keep reading. I have recently been told that I was much less active on my blog and YouTube channel than before. Appearances are against me, indeed. In 2 months and a half, I published few videos and articles. Hopefully, everything will become much clearer in the lines to come… Continue reading What Am I Up To?

Awesome WM: My Configuration

As I told you in one of my recent videos, my war against bloat is over. This does not mean I intend to start using KDE Plasma again, since it would not match my workflow, or that will endorse web bloat, since it is a real problem that I tend to see as different from the one I am describing now. However I do intend to be more realistic with the programs I use. Let me give you a concrete example which I have already cited in previous videos. Continue reading Awesome WM: My Configuration

A Phil Wayne’s Rice of Dwm

Before I begin, I would like to thank all my YouTube subscribers. We recently hit 100 and I feel flattered to already have so many people listening to my rambling. I would also like to thank every one of you reading this blog, since we are about to hit 200. None of this would be possible without you, so THANK YOU! After several months of living in this window manager, I finally feel ready to present my dwm’s final configuration. If you are looking for something rather minimalist, with only a few applied patches, but yet that still has a pretty thrilling design, you should not be disappointed. Continue reading A Phil Wayne’s Rice of Dwm

My Battle Against Bloat Is Over

I have been absent for quite a while. This is not because I was out of ideas, certainly not, but because I was not able to find the motivation within me to create content and publish it. The current sanitary situation, as for most of you I would suppose, has seriously been getting on my nerves. I have had to force myself to get back to writing this. Do not misunderstand, I still love blogging and making videos. We are only living the beginning of this adventure all together. My return should be proof enough! Anyway, let us dig into the subject of this video. A lot has happened in almost 2 months and I cannot speak forever, so I will summarize. Continue reading My Battle Against Bloat Is Over

10 Reasons Why You Should Install Linux

I was recently asked a question which all of us should always be capable of answering, as Linux users and opensource advocates: Why should you even bother installing Linux in the first place? What does Linux have which Mac OS and Windows 10 do not offer? Let us find an answer together. If you come from a Windows environment like I did, there is certainly one thing which upsets you. Continue reading 10 Reasons Why You Should Install Linux

Happy New Year 2021!

Our future depends on your vision of it. The vision that each one of you has of it. It does not yet exist, but every one of us is creating it in our mind at this very moment. It is our mission to make it as joyful as we can. It is our mission to build something for future generations, instead of always destroying with our negative thoughts or bad habits inherited from consumerism. Continue reading Happy New Year 2021!