What Am I Up To?

My Dearest Mad-Readers,

Some of you may be wondering what is currently happening behind the scenes. If you belong with such people, then this article is for you and you should keep reading. I have recently been told that I was much less active on my blog and YouTube channel than before. Appearances are against me, indeed. In 2 months and a half, I published few videos and articles. Hopefully, everything will become much clearer in the lines to come…

Behind The Curtains

First of all, I have been worrying and focusing on what you, readers, cannot see: the administrative side of being a company owner. Being a young business owner, I have to figure out all of the things listed below:

  • Admin: founding the company, declaring my revenue to the state, having the right legal activity for the company, billing a service, accounting…
  • How to earn a decent living as a freelancer: which websites do I want to use, how to get clients, etc.
  • How to optimize my workflow: writing, making videos…
  • How to provide quality content: technically speaking but also in terms of schedule, writing… Shooting a video, for instance, requires good material but also writing skills and technical skills which I did not have only a few months ago. In fact, I consider that I still am in my learning phase.

There are so many things which I am still figuring out that it is a bit scary. It is an exciting, yet terrifying adventure. As I go on, I test, I fail, I succeed… All of this allows me to make progress, but it is extremely time-consuming.

On a more concrete note, I have also been working on ideas & drafts for my articles. I do not have a lot of content ready to be published at this exact moment, but hopefully this is content which you will enjoy.

I have been looking for material too. Since I have entered in my second year as a content creator, I am considering upgrading my microphone and camera. I absolutely want to publish more quality content. I realized that my last 2 videos are far from great, especially regarding the audio. This is not what I want to offer. I am still very much looking for my identity as a content creator. There are some people who publish less and offer tremendous content. I would like to be among them. I cannot be satisfied with mediocrity. I can only aim at AWESOMENESS!

Ideally I would like to be able to publish a video every time I publish an article. If this does not work, I could also consider podcasts instead of videos. It is a format which would probably suit me better. I cannot afford to focus on too many things at the time, however. Podcasts remain a media I am interested in, but I will only make one when I am sure that I can dedicate time to it on the long term.

I have been hard at work on a services page. I invite you to check it out if you are curious to know what I could potentially do for you or your company.

Other Professional & Personal Projects

Growing my business is not the only worry which has been consuming my energy these past few weeks and months. Of course, the sanitary situation and its restrictions affected my motivation and I questioned myself one more time. My life has been so full of uncertainties for the past 2 or 3 years that I have become rather good at that…

Since I am not yet earning any money with my company (though I hope it will not be the case for much longer), I have had to look out for alternatives:

  1. I applied for a master’s degree in cyber security. I thought I would never be this person but this is true. I am actually thinking about getting back into the educational system and getting a master’s. It would allow me to work as an intern, earning some money, and keep growing my company at the same time. I must confess it would really be a dream position. Right this moment, I still am going through the hell of the admissions process.
  2. I also have several other opportunities as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher but, for now, nothing is certain. There are 2 competitive programs offering positions as teaching assistants in Spain but I have not even applied yet. I would have a real shot but I want to be sure to get a negative answer for my master’s before sending any application. Let me also tell you that I cannot rejoice at the idea of relocating once again, especially in a country whose language I do not speak.
  3. I still spend at least one hour a day learning Italian. I also call language partners once or twice a week. If you are not already familiar with this website, I strongly recommend that you check out conversation exchange.

Conclusion & Sign-Off

Trust me, I am going nowhere. Blogging and making videos are too much fun for me to give up! I also remain determined to see this adventure through, since it will give me the freedom I have always wished for!



4 thoughts on “What Am I Up To?

    1. Hi Stuart,
      I’m sure I have a lot of other great surprises down the road and can’t wait to see where this all leads me. Thanks for taking the time to support me with your words. I wish you an excellent day 😉


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